Explore the uplifting story of T.E, a nine-year-old girl struggling with mobility challenges caused by brain issues resulting from oxygen deprivation at birth. During UOSSM’s mobile team’s visit to the Elbeyli camp in Kilis on November 1, 2023, T.E received specialized care and a personalized treatment plan. Under the guidance of a physiotherapist, T.E participated in training sessions that focused on improving her mobility, relieving pain and maintaining proper positioning. Thanks to these efforts, she has shown remarkable progress.
On November,1 2023, UOSSM’s mobile team met nine-year-old T.E at the Elbeyli camp in Kilis, who faced severe mobility difficulties due to brain damage caused by oxygen deprivation at birth. After a comprehensive evaluation by a skilled physiotherapist, a customized treatment plan was developed for T.E, in collaboration with her caregiver. The plan included training on maintaining correct sitting and lying positions for comfort, as well as exercises designed to strengthen her standing balance.
A key component of her rehabilitation was the donation of a back-walking walker by UOSSM, which enabled T.E to practice walking both indoors and outdoors. With targeted training, she quickly showed improvement in her ability to walk and experienced reduced knee pain. Over time, T.E’s walking ability improved notably, marking an important step in her journey toward better mobility and overall well-being.
T.E’s mother expressed deep gratitude to UOSSM for their exceptional care and the positive changes in her daughter’s condition. This success story highlights the life-changing impact of specialized care and the dedication of UOSSM’s team in supporting vulnerable individuals.
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