

The Nutrition Program, initiated by UOSSM in 2012 during the Syrian crisis, aims to enhance the nutritional well-being of the most affected vulnerable groups, specifically children under five (CU5) and pregnant and lactating women (PLWs). This is achieved through the dissemination of awareness messages, both at health facilities and community levels, along with the distribution of preventive and curative supplies. The goal is to reduce morbidity and mortality among the targeted beneficiaries.

Help [GN] Fight Cancer – Donate Today

Meet [GN], a resilient 22-year-old who has faced extraordinary challenges since losing her father four years ago. Recently diagnosed with early-stage cancer, despite intensive chemotherapy, the disease has persisted. Now, she urgently needs spinal marrow transplant surgery for stabilization.
  • *Cusotm Amount

UOSSM Deploying Vital Medical Points in Gaza

UOSSM is responding to the crisis in Gaza by setting up six medical points to provide essential healthcare services in shelters, benefiting over 10,000 people monthly with primary care, mental health support, and emergency medical transport.
  • *Cusotm Amount

Building Hope: Children’s Hospital Project

UOSSM is planning on building a children’s hospital equipped with various departments to provide holistic healthcare services in Northern Syria that can benefit more than 10.000 cases monthly.
  • *Cusotm Amount


Orphaned since birth, Fakhr, a 9-year-old boy, is among the many children grappling with adversity following the loss of a parent. Despite his arthritis condition, Fakhr’s aspirations to attend school and play football remain steadfast. 
  • *Cusotm Amount

Zainab & Nour Case

Zainab and Noor, two sisters, are grappling with the challenges posed by a rare skin disease, compounded by the loss of their father eight years ago. In the absence of their father, their family struggles financially, unable to afford the medical treatment they urgently need. 
  • *Cusotm Amount


Adullah  a 13-year-old orphan dreams of becoming a pharmacist. Despite facing challenging circumstances, he remains resilient. Football provides solace, but his visual impairment in his right eye adds further difficulty.
  • *Cusotm Amount

Services & Activities

UOSSM’s nutrition services adhere to UNICEF and Nutrition Cluster protocols. The program encompasses a range of activities, including awareness-raising sessions on Infant and Young Children Feeding practices (IYCF), malnutrition screening, distribution of nutrition supplies, Community Management of Acute Malnutrition cases (CMAM) program, and collaboration with Rapid Response Teams (RRT) for integrated nutrition services.


UOSSM actively collaborates within the humanitarian community, being a partner of UNICEF and Nutrition Cluster. It participates in technical working groups (IYCF, CMAM), Strategy Adviser Group (SAG), and Technical Review Committee group. UOSSM’s contributions extend to the development of Nutrition Cluster protocols, preparation of training materials, and involvement in various training courses under the supervision of UNICEF and the Nutrition Cluster. The program has established partnerships with several donors, including UNICEF, WFP, WV, EF, EU, GIZ, WHO, UNOCHA, and IRC.

Future Plans

UOSSM envisions addressing gaps in nutrition services in NWS, expanding to new geographical areas, and establishing a stabilization center to treat malnutrition with complications. The organization aims to contribute to the development of nutrition services in alignment with protocols and with the support of UNICEF and the Nutrition Cluster.

Help [GN] Fight Cancer – Donate Today

Meet [GN], a resilient 22-year-old who has faced extraordinary challenges since losing her father four years ago. Recently diagnosed with early-stage cancer, despite intensive chemotherapy, the disease has persisted. Now, she urgently needs spinal marrow transplant surgery for stabilization.
  • *Cusotm Amount

UOSSM Deploying Vital Medical Points in Gaza

UOSSM is responding to the crisis in Gaza by setting up six medical points to provide essential healthcare services in shelters, benefiting over 10,000 people monthly with primary care, mental health support, and emergency medical transport.
  • *Cusotm Amount

Building Hope: Children’s Hospital Project

UOSSM is planning on building a children’s hospital equipped with various departments to provide holistic healthcare services in Northern Syria that can benefit more than 10.000 cases monthly.
  • *Cusotm Amount


Orphaned since birth, Fakhr, a 9-year-old boy, is among the many children grappling with adversity following the loss of a parent. Despite his arthritis condition, Fakhr’s aspirations to attend school and play football remain steadfast. 
  • *Cusotm Amount

Zainab & Nour Case

Zainab and Noor, two sisters, are grappling with the challenges posed by a rare skin disease, compounded by the loss of their father eight years ago. In the absence of their father, their family struggles financially, unable to afford the medical treatment they urgently need. 
  • *Cusotm Amount


Adullah  a 13-year-old orphan dreams of becoming a pharmacist. Despite facing challenging circumstances, he remains resilient. Football provides solace, but his visual impairment in his right eye adds further difficulty.
  • *Cusotm Amount