In Lebanon, the situation has spiraled into a devastating crisis. Families who once led peaceful lives are now trapped in a nightmare. Over 1,900 lives have been lost, and more than 1.2 million people have fled their homes, seeking refuge wherever they can find it. As the healthcare system nears collapse, makeshift shelters overflow, leaving people with minimal access to food, medical care, and even the basics of hygiene. Lebanon’s struggle is urgent and real, and UOSSM has committed itself to help.
UOSSM’s mission in Lebanon is focused on restoring health and dignity to those who have lost so much. Our objectives are simple but critical:
Our intervention in Lebanon is designed to reach people in their most vulnerable moments. UOSSM has mobilized a comprehensive, three-stage response that brings essential support directly to the people who need it most:
UOSSM’s response in Lebanon reaches beyond numbers—it touches lives. With every medical visit, every hygiene kit, every comforting word, we’re helping people survive and regain a sense of stability. Each intervention serves as a reminder that even in the darkest times, there is support and solidarity. UOSSM’s work is more than a response; it is a commitment to stand with the people of Lebanon through their crisis, offering tangible hope and help as they face a long and difficult journey ahead.