Meet Shorouq, a 7-year-old orphan living with her mother and siblings in the village of Ar-Riha. Despite her young age, Shorouq faces significant challenges due to her father’s passing and her heart condition, which causes breathing difficulties and fatigue. However, Shorouq dreams of becoming a successful surgeon to help others, showcasing her determination and resilience.
Shorouq’s family confronts various challenges, including financial hardship, inadequate housing lacking basic amenities like heating and Shorouq’s heart condition, which requires rest and warmth. These challenges hinder Shorouq’s ability to lead a normal life and pursue her dreams.
UOSSM offers specialized healthcare for Shorouq’s heart condition and mental health support to help her cope with emotional challenges. Through our Child Protection Program, we provide guidance and resources to ensure her safety and well-being. Your donation enables us to provide comprehensive care, addressing Shorouq’s medical and emotional needs and empowering her to pursue her dreams.
Your donation allows us to continue providing life-changing assistance to children like Shorouq, ensuring they receive the care and support they need to overcome their challenges and achieve their dreams. A single donation can empower Shorouq to lead a healthier, more fulfilling life and inspire resilience in her community, creating a brighter future for orphaned children in Syria.
Make a donation today and empower Shorouq to achieve her dreams!
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